Hello China Asian Kitchen & Bar Baga

Hello China Asian Kitchen & Bar, Baga Near Britto's, Calangute - Baga Rd, Baga Beach - Baga

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Last update on 06/01/2024
97 Reviews


Last update on 27/12/2023
6 Reviews
Last update on 07/10/2020
116 Reviews


Zamaan Haseeb
Very good food and very good service. The prawn fried rice was amazing and the fish in sriracha sauce also was very tasty. A must visit place for Chinese lovers.
8 months ago
Nishant Aggarwal
Craving for authentic chinese food in goa????
Then try this restaurant for sure because it serves really scrumptious food.
I went with three other people for lunch after checking zomato rating and reviews.
This restaurant lived up to my expectation.

The interior of the restaurant is fine and not so great and the services is really good. The servers are really attentive and recommends the dishes as per taste.

Ordered below food dishes and drinks:

Veg Crystal dumplings- we were served five dumplings with three different sauces(green chilly sauce and two chilly sauces- sweet and hot). The dumplings were hot and had crunchy veggies stuffed in it. Dumplings were going well with the three sauces.

Tofu salt and pepper- They offered generous portion of tofu in the dish. Had big chunks of tofu and lot of veggies.

Veg schezwan noodles- there were just amazing and were hot as they had lot of fried chillies in it. If you love spicy noodles and then order this dish blindly.
In first few bites of noodles you wont feel much spice, however, slowly and steadily the chilly will create its intense magic.😃

Also, they provided kimchi salad as complimentary which was by far the best i have tried in other Chinese restaurants.

Ordered two drinks- Virgin mojito and watermelon juice.
I was impressed with the presentation. Mojito was decorated with lemon grass and fresh mints.
Although the flavor was bit ok. The mojito was lacking with the taste of mint in it. So i will recommend some other drink of your choice.

Watermelon juice was eye candy. It was served in a mug with skull design which was unique and looking amazing. Also they had kept fresh cut watermelon on the mug. The flavor of the juice was undoubtedly best.

This place is recommended by me!
9 months ago
Jacqueline Fernandes
It's very good and very nice amazing
food and ambience and the place is well
maintained and the food is damn tasty and
healthy too. hello China restaurant is
undoubtedly the finest dining place when it
comes to Chinese
cuisine. I had visited to try the restaurant
Tried most of my
fav dishes my fav one is the pork chilli and
the mocktail was super presentable and
tasty I loved the ambience too.

Thanks to manager, chefs & service team
11 months ago
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Now Open
12:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 23:45

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HELLO CHINA ASIAN KITCHEN & BAR, BAGA - Near Britto's, Calangute - Baga Rd, Baga Beach - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 85 based on 279 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +91 70386 87292



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